Project Title
Harrison Hut
This is proper back-country. Like, if something happens it will take us 8 hours to reach the next nearest person. And that next nearest person will have to travel for an hour to get to civilization. And that civilization will be Pemberton (does it even have a movie theater?). The start of the trail is 1 hour down an active logging road that requires a 4X4, from here you have a 6 - 8 (it took us 7) hour hike up to the hut.
But once you're up there, it's worth it. It's about as remote as you can get, a massive glacier off in the distance, and surrounded by mountains. We planned to hike up to frozen boot, but the weather didn't play along. So we got drunk. I regret nothing.
Category : Landscapes Travel Canada
Date : 25 August 2016
Location : Peberton . Canada





